Make your own Rock Paper Doll!

This week I decided to create a Paper Doll based on Dwayne Johnson, better known as The Rock. The actor, producer, businessman, retired professional wrestler, and former professional football player. His outfits include a safari ‘Jumanji’ style, a super hero and a fun school boy one.

All you have to do is;

  • Download and print out the pattern

  • Colour in the Rock doll and outfits

  • Cut them all out

  • Bend the tabs

  • Have fun dressing the Rock Paper doll in different outfits!



The Rock Paper Doll design created by caricatures by Carmel
The Rock Paper doll pattern

Check out all the other Paper Doll Patterns Here

Want to order a Caricature design for a guest signing board, as a gift, for wedding or event invitations, or as a digital design for a logo, website or branding.